We Are Lights in a Dark World

 January 24, 2017
Posted by Admin

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We are new creatures in Christ, the Apostle Paul declares (2 Corinthians 5:17)! As such, we no longer view ourselves or others the way we once did. We have a new role; we are ambassadors for Christ, “as though God were making his appeal through us” (2 Corinthians 5:20). And those to whom he appeals are the lost for whom Christ has died. What a sober responsibility we have! As stewards of the Gospel that we spread not just with our mouths, but with our actions as well. Let us implore God to enable us to be his light in this dark world.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I thank you that you have chosen and called me to be your child. Help me to be faithful and obedient wanting to honor you with my thoughts and actions. Use me, Lord, as your light to a dark world. Thank you for your saving grace given to me and all people through your Son on the Cross.

In Christ’s name I pray.


Blessings on your stewardship Journey!