A message from Pastor Ray

 July 29, 2020
Posted by Admin

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“Have no anxiety at all; but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God” (Philippians 4:6)

Loving God, we arise today to face the challenges on the road ahead. It is clear that our current situation needs us to be steadfast and persistent in our response to COVID-19; as this is a marathon, not a sprint. Be with us now O Lord!

Loving Father, during your ministry on earth your sign was the healing you shared with us, and your promise to take away our anxieties the symbol of your eternal presence.

Be present to your people who suffer and allow them to feel your healing touch through the compassionate care of our doctors, nurses and caregivers. Remove any fear, feelings of anxiousness, or uncertainties from our hearts. Let us trust in you. Protect our friends, families and coworkers and bring your peace to all who support us.

Give us your grace, O Lord, so we can speak calmly, clearly and truthfully with each other. Let us see one another as you see us. May truth, empathy and kindness remain our steadfast rock! Give spouses a patient and compassion place for each other. Be with worn-out parents and give them your love so that they may speak words of kindness and encouragement to their children. Be with us now, O Lord!

Let us sanitize more and pray more. Let us be kinder than we have to in adversity. Let us speak warmer that we need to in duress. Let us act more compassionately than we should do with others…and let us start and end each day on our knees, enraptured with a loving God, who by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, we make every request known, too! Be with us now O Lord!