A Stewardship of Life—Pastor’s Pen July 2018

 July 9, 2018
Posted by Admin

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God, indeed, has blessed the mission and ministry of First Lutheran Church. God has done so through your financial gifts, prayers, and service to others. It is my hope that after reading these Stewardship Values and prayer, we will all be encouraged to make a Faith Commitment (pledge) to the ongoing work of God through First Lutheran Church.

“On the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save what extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I come.” 1 Corinthians 16:2

The second stewardship value is regular giving. To be regular in your giving means to establish a pattern in your giving, and then follow that pattern.

Paul’s prescribed regular pattern for giving is each week. In Biblical times, it was most common for workers to receive their income at the end of each day. Therefore, to be regular in giving meant to set something aside each day and give it in worship each week.

Our system of compensation today is different. Some people are paid once a week, others twice a month, others only once each month. Retired people might receive a Social Security or Pension check at the beginning of the month. If one is fortunate, they may have income from other investments.

In our day, to be regular in giving means that whenever you receive income, you give according to your predetermined plan. Obviously, there is a strong connection between intentional giving and regular giving.  To be intentional means that one develop a plan for your giving. To be regular means that you follow the plan, according to your own specific way of receiving income.

Thank you so much for your continued financial gifts to support the mission and ministry of First Lutheran Church.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Steve