November Pastor’s Pen—Giving to the Giver

 November 13, 2017
Posted by Admin

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“Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and give to God the things that are God’s” (Mt. 22:21)

Throughout my sermon preparation for 20 Pentecost, I thought “does anyone really like paying taxes? Even though we know that money paid to the government helps fund important items such as roads, bridges, and public safety, the mysteriously modest paycheck each month and the arduous accounting process each year remind us how much money we do hand over. It doesn’t end there, of course. If you’ve ever looked at a cell phone or cable TV bill in detail, or examined the fine print of an airline ticket, you know the reality of government fees and taxes. “Do I get to keep any of my money?” we cry in frustration.

On top of that, this Is the time when many of our churches are discussing stewardship, budgets for the coming year, and the need for each of us to support the mission and ministry of the congregation and the wider church with our time, skill, and material resources. “Give to God the things that are God’s”, we are told. This is most certainly true! But let us not give to God, or our neighbor who is served by our giving, as though we were paying a tax. Let us not give grudgingly, believing that stewardship is essential to retaining our salvation. Eternal life is not a bridge, road, or fire department, and we do not earn it with money or good works.

Rather, as we consider how and what we ought to give to God, let us remember that all we have—ourselves, our time, our possessions—are gifts from God, who loves us, cares for us, and sees to it that we have daily bread. Even the government is a gift, given for the peaceful ordering of society. As we examine what we have and wonder if there is enough to give, let us first be grateful and rejoice that God has given us something to give.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Steve