July Stewardship Corner

 July 3, 2017
Posted by Admin

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Where is Your Heart?

Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Your treasure is the thing that is most important to you. Maybe it’s your job, investments, a new house, or a new car, your spouse or children. Regardless of your particular passion, your treasure is what you think about, what you go after, what you want to attain. It’s where your heart is.

As Christian stewards, God wants us to treasure Him and hold our time, talents, and treasure with open hands. If you are unwilling to part with earthly goods your treasure isn’t God. When God is your treasure, God will receive from you a generous amount of all that you possess.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I give you praise and thanks for who you are and all that you do for me. Help me always to remember that all things belong to you. Help me to see that you are my treasure because without you I am lost and hopeless. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Blessing on your stewardship journey!