April Pastor’s Pen

 April 3, 2017
Posted by Admin

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For Christians, Easter is truly our most holy Sunday of the year. Easter is our assurance that our mortal death is not the end. Jesus promised us that there is a room prepared for us in heaven (John 14) and that Jesus himself will welcome us home. But let’s not rush things! Of course, before we are welcomed home there is this struggle we have concerning our human, sinful nature.

Although we may not like hearing it, we are all in the same boat; every last one of us is imperfect, and there’s not much we can do to change that. However, when we realize this reality and accept the fact that we not, and cannot be perfect, we are better prepared to give ourselves to God in Christ Jesus.

Easter reminds us that we are lost, save for the grace of our loving God, who redeems us and claims us. Easter reminds us that we are powerless to affect our own salvation. We just cannot save ourselves.

We are currently in the season of Lent, which is a time of preparation for Easter. Lent calls us to be introspective and face the reality of our human frailty and brokenness. In Lent we contemplate our helplessness and ultimate need for God’s grace. This has been the challenge of every spiritual seeker down through the ages: to free ourselves from the lure of the world, and from our misguided belief that we can make it on our own. As we place our trust in God, as we completely give ourselves over to God, we then ready ourselves to embrace the full meaning of Easter.

As I look over my years of ministry I have come to understand a few things. One of those things is that we don’t have to be all fixed and put together to celebrate Easter. God knows who we are and what we need. Our job is to have faith and trust that God is “driving the bus.” God takes us as we are, offers to transform us into a new creation, and will lead us to Easter as we are willing to receive and accept God’s freely given grace found Jesus Christ. What a deal! God is good!  Continued blessings on your Lenten walk.

Be sure to share with your family and neighbors this good news of new life and grace found in Jesus Christ. Invite them to First Lutheran. I hope to see and greet all of you at our two Easter worship services beginning on Saturday, April 15 at 5pm in the Chapel and then Sunday morning at 10:30am in the Sanctuary.

Blessings and Peace,

Pastor Steve