October Stewardship Corner… Giving Our First-fruits

 October 11, 2016
Posted by Admin

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First-fruits giving means that we give to God first rather than giving God the leftovers after our own needs are met. When we give our first-fruits, no matter what the gift, we acknowledge that God is first in our lives and that he is the owner and giver of all that we have. First-fruits giving expresses the special relationship that we have with Jesus Christ. God gave us his first and best when he gave his one and only Son who gave his best, his very life, to win our salvation. As his people, we receive with gratitude and respond faithfully and generously. We give our first-fruits, setting aside our offerings to the Lord first before fulfilling our other obligations. Faith empowers us to give our first-fruits.

Prayer: Dear God, thank you for giving to me so generously, especially the gift of salvation through your Son. Help me to give what I have. Grant me faith so that I will give you the first part of all that you give to me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Blessings on your Stewardship Journey!

Mission Support


What is Mission Support?

Mission Support is the portion of your congregation’s regular financial offering that is shared with your synod and the churchwide organization. It is undesignated gifts to ELCA ministries that go beyond your congregation. These gifts are used where the need is the greatest, and they also make it possible for the ELCA’s 65 synods and the churchwide organization to maintain ongoing commitments to ministry partners.

What guides the churchwide organization in its decisions regarding Mission Support?

Voting members from across the ELCA meet as a churchwide assembly every three years to guide and direct the work of the churchwide organization. The ELCA Church Council functions as the interim legislative authority between assemblies. The churchwide organization’s strategic priorities include accompanying the nearly 9,300 ELCA congregations as growing centers for evangelical mission and building the capacity of this church for evangelical witness and service in the world to alleviate poverty and to work for justice and peace.

How does my congregation benefit from Mission Support?

Every congregation benefits as an active partner in our church’s mission to share God’s love with the world. Stories of Faith in Action is filled with examples of how lives have been changed because of the generosity of ELCA members and congregations through Mission Support. This money funds the work of the synods, and some of the portion of Mission Sup- port that is shared with the churchwide organization returns back to your congregation and synod in the form of services, programs, resources or grants. Typically, more than 90 percent of a congregation’s offering remains in the congregation to help pay for ministries, outreach, salaries, utilities and the building—ensuring your congregation’s vital presence in your community.

What is the distinction between Mission Support and Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA?

Mission Support is one way we act as a church together; we count on one another for the mutual work that Mission Support makes possible. Many ELCA members and congregations are called to give in other ways as well, and this is what Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA offers. The campaign is a way for us to do more, together, through designated gifts to the ministry priorities we are most passionate about, above and beyond regular offerings through our congregation. Campaign gifts are tracked and spent separately from the Mission Support budget. The Campaign for the ELCA is an investment in the future of the ELCA and an extension of our mission and ministry together.