Thank God first

 February 16, 2016
Posted by Admin

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In general, we can give, save, or spend our money. How we give, save, or spend indicates a lot about our values and interests. Are we willing to give generously to our church? Is saving important? Do we need to have nice things? Our Christian values help us determine the wise use of our money.

A wise money principle to follow with our money is the 10-10-80 principle which is to give 10 percent, save 10 percent, and live on the remaining 80 percent. After we give the Lord his first-fruits, we put aside the second 10 percent in savings. If we need to modify the percentages some that is fine; however, the principle should never change. Giving to God is always first, Thanking God First… followed by a disciplined effort to put money aside in savings for the future.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for all of my gifts, including my money. Help me develop a proper attitude toward my money and to be a generous giver and a prudent spender. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Blessings on your Stewardship Journey!